Quill of the Dove by Ian Thomas Shaw
In Quill of the Dove, Shaw jumps right into two of the messiest conflicts the Middle East has seen: the Lebanese Civil War and the inextrica

Welcome to ORB's February Issue
This is Ottawa's foremost source of literary reviews.

A Plea for Constant Motion by Paul Carlucci
Much of Carlucci's writing is reminiscent of the work of Russell Wangersky. Both skillfully portray ordinary people rubbing against hard

Waste by Andrew F. Sullivan
All in all, it would be a challenge to find a grimmer novel than Waste. The book is bent on cataloguing the depth and intensity of darkness,

Salvage by Stephen Maher
In Salvage, Ottawa journalist Stephen Mayer has delivered a fast-paced, atmospheric, and compelling thriller. A former Maritimer himself, Ma

Return to Kirk's Landing by Mike Young
The Wendigo has not only turned Sasquatch into even more of a monster than his usual self, but it gives him the power to fade and kill at wi